Have you felt the winds of change in Atlanta lately? It is still warm, but the breeze and the cool mornings…*sigh*… I could almost smell fall coming. Sure, we may have a few hot days left but autumn is right around the corner and that means cool, crisp, early evenings. That’s right it’s going to get dark much earlier and if you are like many Atlantians that have yards that may be challenging to navigate in the dark you may benefit from landscape lighting.
Just recently a friend of ours had and unfortunate incident with a railroad tie that resulted in a busted nose and swollen lip. Fortunately, he was in his own yard, but this would not have happened if he could have seen where he was going. Autumn evenings are meant for entertainment with late afternoon football games, grilling, and bon-fires. You wouldn’t want any of your guests to befall the same fate as our aforementioned friend whilst visiting. You are responsible for most accidents that occur on your property and the result of someone having a mishap because they were stumbling blindly in your yard may not end in your favor!
A well-lit home also deters burglars and motion sensors will startle most intruders away including nuisance wildlife such as raccoons and squirrels.
Poss Electric can help you design landscape lighting solutions to not only provide safety but enhance the appearance and functionality of your home for holidays and entertaining. Path lights, flood lights, spotlights, deck lights and more come in a multitude of designs, finishes and voltages to complement your homes unique layout and style. You can have optimal control using a wireless remote or even add a digital timer so you don’t even have to remember to turn your lights on!
Call Poss Electric for a free outdoor lighting analysis and estimate.